To mark the opening of our Sustainability Garden, our pupils got stuck in planting fruits, vegetables and herbs as part of a sustainability initiative to grow our own produce. The designer of our garden, Tim Jennings, visited to explain the various parts of the garden to our pupils, from the herb garden to traditional water pump. Pupils of all ages worked together with staff and each other to plant a variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs, and had fun using the water pump to fill a watering can.
Rayaan, one of our Sustainability Ambassadors, said, “Yesterday we celebrated the opening of our brand-new community garden. This involved us getting our hands dirty and planting a variety of plants, including melons, marigolds, peppers and many more! I enjoyed planting the plants and learnt a lot about gardening techniques as well as learning about how the different plants work to protect each other.”
A Year 7 pupil added, "I found the experience exciting because I liked the thrill of getting my hands dirty and planting things."
This is just one of the ways we are taking an innovative approach towards sustainability, and the opening of this garden reflects our commitment to continuing to increase eco-friendly practices at our school.