Keep in Touch

Find a friend

Reconnect with an OC friend

Should you wish to get in touch with any former school friends, we would be happy to pass on your message. Please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you soon.

Complete the Find a Friend Form

Update your details

Hear about the latest news, events and networking opportunities

We hope that your connection with Chigwell School will be lifelong. The School remains a vital hub for maintaining links and offering Old Chigwellians the chance to network with one another, therefore staying in contact with you is important to us. Data protection means that to receive communications from School, including the OC Mitre and details of other activities that may be of interest via email and post, you need to specifically opt-in. If you would like to do so, please complete the form below.

We look forward to keeping connected with you.

Complete the Keeping in Touch Form

If you have any queries or require any further information, please contact the Department of Philanthropy

For further information on our privacy policy, please see the link below.

Department of Philanthropy Privacy Notice
Visiting Us

When did you last visit Chigwell School?

If you are planning a visit, please contact us first so that we can be prepared for your arrival and have the time to show you around properly.

We are always delighted to see OCs back at School but it can be disappointing for both you and us if we cannot allocate enough time to your visit due to other commitments. These days we are governed by strict health and safety laws, safeguarding and security measures which mean that visitors have to be accompanied around the grounds. These rules apply as much in the holidays as in term time as the School has various commercial lettings involving large numbers of children.