Old Chigwellians

Fostering connections with the School and fellow alumni

Friendships that last a lifetime

The Department of Philanthropy at Chigwell School works in partnership with the Old Chigwellians’ Association (OCA) to help alumni to connect with each other and inspire the next generation. We work hard to make our Old Chigwellian community as inclusive as possible and welcome your connectivity and involvement.

On leaving Chigwell School, all pupils automatically become members of the Old Chigwellians’ Association. The OCA has two objectives: to keep Old Chigwellians in touch with each other and to keep them in touch with the School. There is a vibrant OC community, with many OCs attending social and sports events at the OC Clubhouse, School and other venues. OCs support current pupils too with some kindly offering work experience or attending the annual careers convention.

The OCA is governed by the Executive Committee comprising of elected officers, elected representatives and ex-officio members and this meets three times a year. There is also an annual AGM to which all OCs are warmly invited.

Our Vision: We are driving the OC agenda through a number of new initiatives to ensure we keep the OC network vibrant & meaningful for generations to come.

Aegean Simpson, OCA Ex-Officio President

Getting involved

OCA President, Anusha Balasingam - a former pupil of the School and an ambassador for Old Chigwellians, encourages OCs of all genders and ages to further build their involvement with the School and their network, by getting actively involved with the OCA to facilitate professional opportunities and build a lasting network of connections.

Keeping in touch

OCs are kept informed of the School's development plans and OC news via the various social media communication channels, as well as 'The OC Mitre’ magazine.

We ask that whenever your details change, whether that’s a change of name, address, email, phone number or change of career or role, that you let us know by completing the form below.