Community Service & Charity
The School raises over £20,000 per year for chosen charities, which range from local to national and international.
Through fundraising, pupils not only work together to help those who are less fortunate, they also learn about different worthy causes, both close to home and further afield.
There are special links with a number of charity projects in Tamil Nadu in India to which pupils every year have the opportunity to travel every year, staying at a local ashram. Nearby there is the Tim Pruss Memorial School, in Inungur, which was founded in memory of Tim, an Old Chigwellian who sadly died in 2005, aged just 18. Chigwell pupils visit the School and have the chance to teach and work there. This school was started by Chigwell parents a number of years ago and, in order to raise funds for both the ongoing work of the school and to support projects in the local community, pupils take part in a number of activities every term.
While she was still a pupil at Chigwell, Grace Boxall set up her own charity Smiles with Grace. When Grace tragically died in 2013, after a long and brave battle with illness, a number of Chigwell pupils became patrons of her charity and we continue to support the valuable work that Grace began.
Each year, the Chapel Choir leads a Christmas service in Westminster to raise funds for the charity Kids Inspire.
Pupils also have the opportunity to join a charities committee which organises a range of events throughout the year, with the highlight being Charities Week. This takes place towards the end of the Michaelmas term, and is entirely led by the pupils. Each Senior School house has a nominated day in which they try to raise as much money as possible through a variety of events, and the Junior School has a day for all year groups to join together in their efforts. Pre Prep charity events take place across the school year.