Term Dates
Michaelmas Term
Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September
First day: Wednesday 6th September
Half term: Saturday 21st October to Sunday 5th November
Term ends: Wednesday 13th December
Lent Term
Staff meetings and INSET on Wednesday 3rd January
First day: Thursday 4th January
Half term: Saturday 10th February to Sunday 18th February
Term ends: Thursday 28th March
Trinity Term
(Easter Day is 31st March)
First day: Wednesday 17th April
Half term: Saturday 25th May to Sunday 2nd June
INSET Day on Monday 3rd June
Term ends: Wednesday 10th July
Michaelmas Term
Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September
First day: Wednesday 4th September
Half term: Saturday 19th October to Sunday 3rd November
Term ends: Friday 13th December
Lent Term
Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 6th January
First day: Tuesday 7th January
Half term: Saturday 15th February to Sunday 23rd February
Term ends: Friday 28th March
Trinity Term
(Easter Day is 20th April)
First day: Tuesday 22nd April
Half term: Saturday 24th May to Monday 2nd June
INSET Day on Monday 2nd June
Term ends: Friday 11th July