79% of all grades were at 7 (equivalent to the old A grade) or above, nearly four times the national average. 68% of pupils achieved at least eight grade 7s and 30% achieved at least eight grade 8s. 10% of all candidates achieved all grade 8s and 9s, and the most common grade achieved was an 8. Those pupils who took a Higher Project Qualification in addition to their ten GCSEs, all achieved A* or A grades.
Students and their teachers, supported by their parents, have worked really hard to achieve this success and it has definitely been a team effort. To have a quarter of all results at the highly prized grade 9 is such an achievement and these young people can move into the next phase of their education with confidence and ambition. For the majority, that means moving into our Sixth Form to study A levels and we look forward to working with them over the next two years.