The last two weeks have been packed full of sustainability initiatives organised by our student Sustainability Ambassadors. Starting with a pupil-led whole-school assembly, activities have included wonky veg painting, robot-making from recycled materials in Year 4 art, poster competitions, a plant-based popup from Vegetarian Express, an insect-tasting station at lunch, and a visit from Arup, a consultancy firm who are giving us assistance on making our school more sustainable.
Our sustainability garden is almost complete, with the view to begin producing our own fruit and veg to eat at lunchtime, thereby reducing our carbon footprint. The Ambassadors have worked with Chartwells to reduce food waste through signage encouraging pupils and staff to only take the food they think they will eat. We have been weighing our food waste every day, with a marked reduction in the daily amount. Chartwells also altered the menu for the fortnight to remove beef, further reducing our carbon footprint.
“Sustainability Fortnight has spread awareness of the importance of saving our planet, by educating pupils throughout the school. … This has helped streamline Chigwell School’s success towards a greener, sustainable future. As a school, we have reduced our food waste over the last fortnight, and we hope we can continue doing so, to play a larger part in helping our local community.” – Rayaan, Sustainability Ambassador
“All events were full of people and bustling with excitement.” – Kylan, Sustainability Ambassador
“I really enjoyed Sustainability Fortnight because it helped me learn about how I can play a part in saving our planet.” – Year 12 pupil
“I found Sustainability Fortnight really interactive, I think the range of activities was great, as it appealed to every year group.” – Year 8 pupil
“I really enjoyed the wonky fruit painting.” – Year 4 pupil
Congratulations to our Sustainability Ambassadors for organising such an important and informative week that re-emphasises Chigwell School’s commitment to becoming as eco-friendly as we can.