This week (March 4th-March 8th) our student group Equality Ambassadors hosted Cultural Week in order to inform their peers and staff on the importance of learning about and respecting other people’s cultures. The exciting week consisting of a variety of events, organised by Kayuki (Year 12), began on Monday morning in a Senior School assembly. Lily (Year 12) presented on cultural appropriation vs cultural appreciation and discussed the ‘cultural iceberg’. Kayuki produced and showed a video interviewing staff and pupils about what their culture means to them. Kylan (Year 12) read the poem ‘My Culture, My Pride’ by Jaques Sprenkie Mateya and discussed its themes.
Throughout the week, Kayuki and Isabel (Year 13) organised a food quiz, and Mohamed (Year 12) created a Form time quiz. The group also worked with Chartwells to introduce food from a different culture into lunch each day. This included Korean prawns, Cuban mojo pork belly, Moroccan chicken with tabouleh and more. A well-organised, educational and enjoyable week: thank you to the Equality Ambassadors for all your hard work!