Introduction from the Head of Sixth Form

Preparing Students for the Future

The Sixth Form at Chigwell is a special place. Like our impressive modern building, where we are based just around the corner from our historic Chapel Quad, we are at the heart of the School’s traditions, but prepare our students for the future.

A Diverse Mix of Students

Our students are a unique combination of young people. Those who have been at Chigwell for many years are joined by new local day students and our international boarding community whom we welcome from around the world. We greatly value the diversity this gives us.

The school and headmaster treat pupils as individuals, and not an academic factory. No higher praise can be said.

Year 13 Parent

More than Qualifications

We equip you with more than qualifications. Being part of the Chigwell Sixth Form, will enable you to develop the independence, maturity and character to be happy and successful in your chosen careers and lives.

We value high academic standards and emphasise that at A level, these come not from the regurgitation of facts, but from the deeper understanding developed over time through application, self-discipline and working closely with teachers and each other.

Academic Progress

Regular assessment and feedback is an important part of the learning process throughout the two years, but far more useful is the responsibility that you will learn to foster for your own academic success.

You take three A levels, and an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) if you wish. Students with a GCSE profile commensurate with an Oxbridge application are offered support sessions, as are those considering medicine, veterinary science or dentistry.

The School offers encouragement, opportunity and support to enable the students to achieve the best they can academically or otherwise as individual young people.

Year 11 & Year 13 Parent


Planning your Future

Our dedicated Head of Careers, Miss Darkin, offers advice and guidance for your future. Whether you choose to go to university or take an alternative path, such as national degree apprenticeships, which are growing in popularity and for which we run a support group, we are there to support you every step of the way. We begin asking you to make your 18+ plans from Christmas in Year 12, which your tutors monitor and support, and that guidance continues throughout your time with us up to and including results day.

Once you have left Chigwell, many friendships and connections last a lifetime. You’ll stay part of the Chigwell family by becoming an ‘Old Chigwellian’ and we’re pleased that many of our students return to share their early career advice and experiences.

We look forward to welcoming you to Chigwell Sixth Form.

Mr Simon Coppell M.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E.
Head of Sixth Form

Contact the Head of Sixth Form

Mr Simon Coppell, Head of Sixth Form

Contact the Assistant Head of Sixth Form

Ms Charlotte Nairac, Assistant Head of Sixth Form and Head of Year

Contact the Head of Year 12

Mr Adam Burbidge, Head of Year 12

Contact the Head of Careers

Miss Roxanne Darkin
Head of Careers & Sixth Form Coordinator

From our Students

Tips for New Sixth Form Joiners

Make the most of every opportunity available

Join clubs, go to talks, try our new sports, take part in house competitions. Through this, you’ll make friends and memories that’ll last forever.

Year 13 Student

Get involved!

I can’t stress enough how important the networks that I’ve created at Chigwell have been to me, not only in terms of friendship and getting to know others, but in terms of my self-esteem, academic progression and artistic development – invaluable!”

Year 13 Student

Don’t stress too much about the Academic side

Whilst it is very important, don’t let it consume you. All you need to do is talk to a teacher, they will help you manage your work and catch up on anything you’ve missed. I’ve never felt like I couldn’t ask someone for help.

Year 13 Student

Open Days and Tours

We would be delighted to show you around our Sixth Form.

Apply for a Place

Find out more about Admissions at 16+ and apply for a place.

International Boarding

Sixth Form

Find out more about becoming a boarding student at Chigwell. Please contact Miss Roxanne Darkin for further information.