Oxbridge preparation Day - A great success
Yesterday marked the second year of the Oxbridge preparation day in partnership with Barking Abbey School and Woodford County Highschool for Girls. We started with an energising speech by our Head, Mr King, and two current Oxbridge offer holders from Chigwell School. Students then broke into several specialised subject groups, including Architecture, Biochemistry, Psychology and English, to stimulate intellectual flexibility and stamina and develop vital communication skills. The day was further enriched by Dr Hugh Munro, from Wadham College at the University of Oxford, who joined us virtually to highlight the importance of the super curricular. The day concluded with students being lightly 'tested' by subject specialists across the three schools. Among the superbly positive feedback, students commented on the highly enriching subject sessions and the range of materials and delivered topics personalised by subject area.
Written by: Mrs Nairac edited by Mrs Patrikios