Well done to Chigwell Sixth Former Meenakshi who won the renowned Robinson College, Cambridge Essay Prize!
Well done to Chigwell Sixth Former Meenakshi who won the renowned Robinson College, Cambridge Essay Prize!
The title of her essay was: '"The translated text must add up to the original. Translation is like a problem in math- using different numbers, the answer must be the same" (Lydia Davis). Discuss.' Meenakshi explored the logistics of translation and assessed what constitutes a 'good' translation, exploring renowned theories, such as Goethe's notion of Weltliteratur, and performed very well indeed.
The competition is designed to give sixth formers a chance to showcase their writing skills and provide a taste of the type of academic writing they might be expected to undertake at Cambridge and Meenakshi was invited to a Prizewinners' Lunch at Cambridge.
Read more about the competition at https://www.robinson.cam.ac.uk...