Scholarship Information

Drama is flourishing at Chigwell School and therefore we are delighted to be able to offer a Sixth Form Drama Scholarship.

This scholarship is part of our commitment to pursue excellence in the arts and is a unique opportunity to experience drama in a first-rate professional facility here at Chigwell.

The successful applicant will need to demonstrate a proven interest in drama and theatre. They should also be utterly committed to Drama at Chigwell.

The auditions will be held individually, and the Director of Drama will contact candidates. Actors will need to prepare an audition speech, lasting around three minutes, to perform and be redirected in. Actors will also then be given an unseen script to explore practically.

Technical candidates will have an interview and a practical session involving their chosen technical skill or skills. However, they should bring a portfolio of work from the last two years and references from all the directors who have worked with them.

The Drama Scholar will be expected to make a significant contribution to the dramatic life of the School. They will be expected to take a prominent role in all major school productions as well as taking responsibility in the Lower School Drama Club. In addition, they will be expected to attend all Senior School academic and extra-curricular productions, Open Day and other events where Drama takes on a role.

Application Process

Please send a letter by email to the Director of Drama ( ) by Monday 4th November 2024 clearly stating your reasons for wanting the scholarship, your past experience in drama and why you love it, and, lastly, why you feel you would make a good drama scholar. The auditions will be held, by arrangement, in the week beginning Monday 18th November. Candidates will need to know, by heart, a two-minute monologue.

For further information about this exciting opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Drama at Chigwell School, Mr A Mangan: